Feeding babies in the first twelve months of life, is HARD WORK….regardless of how it’s done🤍🤱🏼👩🏻🍼🍼
Being available around the clock to provide nourishment for a baby is a a draining task🥱
Neither breastfeeding or bottle feeding are easier ….just different types of labour .
With breastfeeding you are needed 24/7 on demand by your baby. It’s very physically and mentally intense. You have to show up for every feed….if baby decides to feed every hour overnight ….you are awake too. Sleep deprivation aside, your boobs quite often feel significant discomfort. It is hard work .
With bottle feeding you have the sleep deprivation mixed, with the added labour of cleaning bottles . Also the mental load of remembering to buy formula before you run out . It is hard work
Pumping is an interesting combo of both …you have the bottles to worry about cleaning, but instead of being tied to the baby, you are glued to the pump. It is hard work.
Feeding a baby is HARD WORK🤍🍼👩🏻🍼🤱🏼 If you are currently in this stage of motherhood …..you deserve all the respect . It’s a marathon .
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