I have seen frequent posts or videos from moms expressing their dislike, when older women want to see their baby in public.
I might be an outlier here, BUT I think it’s super sweet 🤍 There is something incredibly special about a newborn. The stage is so short . I already get a wave of sadness, thinking about when my girls aren’t babies anymore 😭
I can completely understand why older women want to stare at babies and strike up a conversation.
We live in a world that lacks authentic connection. We are all seeking that connection. Babies and young children are about as authentic as it gets. In our modern society, there aren’t a lot of opportunities to experience true authenticity.
Motherhood is one area of life, that is solely based off of authenticity. It’s as real as it gets . It’s the race of a lifetime . I can’t help but think how challenging it must be,as you age and slow down in the race. Watching a young mom in a store, thinking back to when your kids were small.
This is why I almost always turn the cart or move the baby wrap out of the way, if I catch an older women trying to sneak a peek at baby 🤍 Often times she will start talking about her own children or offer up some words of wisdom. Quite often those words of wisdom aren’t ones I would follow BUT that isn’t the point here .
The point is, they were once moms of young children too. We are connected through the authentic experience of motherhood. Taking five minutes to let an older women share that experience is , in my opinion time well spent 🤍
Would love to know your thoughts on this topic !
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